The Perfect Landing Page Planner

Tony Alvarez, Founder & Chief Designer
Tony Alvarez
Founder & Chief Marketing Strategist

Worried about what to include in your Landing Page? Worry no more.

If you're reading this, chances are you have before, are currently running, or plan to build a funnel for your product or service in the near future.

It's important, then, that your landing page – the FIRST real impression you can have on a reader – is as tight as possible.

But before we dive in, let's meet Kyle.

Kyle is an online fitness trainer who LOVES his work.

If you ever need to be entertained, grab a drink, walk up to him and mention the word "explosiveness," and sit back. He will go on for hours.

THAT'S how passionate he is about his work.

Kyle recently created his very first online course to help athletes of all ages get more explosive – jump higher, run faster, improve agility, that kind of stuff.

With a baby girl on the way, he wanted to figure out how to share all the knowledge he'd acquired from a brief stint in professional football and as a career-long trainer and monetize it for his family.

So we chatted and realized that an online course would be the perfect fit for him – an automated system that shares his experience ten times faster than he ever could doing one-on-one sessions.

He started laying down ideas, training concepts, nutrition methods, everything he knew, and molded it into a compact and powerful six-week program.

The heavy lifting was complete.

Now he needed to get it out into the world and started building his very first funnel.

He threw in a headline and a button to capture emails in the header, followed by a bullet-point summary of the program. Then he wrapped the the funnel page with a Call-To-Action in the footer to capture any lingering leads.

He launched his Facebook Ads, set a $30/day budget to start, and waited for the dollars to roll in.

Easy money, right?

Not really.

His Facebook Ads were drawing in clicks, but his on-page conversion was terrible.

He was getting people in the door, but they were walking right out.

So we got together, dove deep into the funnel, and found a list of issues that I want to share with you so you can avoid the same issues Kyle had.

(As for Kyle, don't worry about him – we redesigned his funnel and his results went through the roof.)

Here is the Perfect Landing Page Plan, in order of importance:

Example of Powerful Headline

1. A Powerful Headline

Your funnel's landing page needs a powerful headline. It must sum up your ENTIRE landing page in one sentence.
It should also inspire a little bit of mystery in your reader. Something that'll make them want to go down the rabbit hole a little deeper to explore what it is you do.

Luckily, there are a couple of different frameworks that you can use to do this.

The first one goes like this:
1. What problem does your product or service solve?
2. Who does it solve it for?

Then fill in the blanks in this sentence with your answers:
(Problem you solve) for (who it solves it for)


  • Real Estate Planning for busy CEOs
  • Quick & Healthy Meal Plans for Moms on the go

The second framework finds a pain point your target audience goes through and calls it out.

The framework goes like this:

  1. In 1-2 words, what does your product or service do?
  2. What problem does your target audience go through all the time?

Then fill in the blanks:
We (what you do) without (your target audience)


  • We help athletes improve performance without sacrificing conditioning time.
  • We do your taxes without having to leave home

Example of Powerful Subheadline

2. An Equally Powerful Subheadline

The subheadline should continue to explain, in very brief terms, what your headline is about. It should serve to reveal a little more information about your product or service.

Example of Detailed Descriptions

3. Detailed Description

Here you can dive a little bit deeper into detail about your product or service. Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct! Use apps like Grammerly to check just in case.

Example of Testimonials

4. Testimonials

Everyone wants to be part of a community. They want to feel like they're part of a tribe.

As humans, that's how we're genetically coded. We want to be part of something.

Having testimonials on your page say to your visitor that you have a tribe of people, however small, that love what you do and are proud to be part of it.

It invites your reader to envision themselves doing the same.

Testimonials also inspire trust, which is the most common reason people do not buy from businesses.

If you don't include testimonials or case studies, how can your reader trust that what you do is good enough?

If you don't have video testimonials, written testimonials are enough!

Just have something!

Example of Call To Action

5. Call-To-Action

This call-to-action is a must. It should be a directive on what the next step should be.

If you're having trouble thinking of how to word your call-to-action, ask yourself, "What do I want my reader to do next?"

The answer should be very obvious.

Some examples are:

  • Schedule a call today
  • Claim Your Coupon Code
  • Book an Appointment
  • Buy Now
  • Order Now

Example of Clickable buttons

6. Clickable Buttons, Not Links

Whenever possible, it's always best to have actual buttons for someone to click instead of a hyperlink.

One of the biggest reasons is the dominance of mobile use today.

Trying to use your thumb or finger to click on a piece of text while you're skimming a webpage can be more difficult than clicking on a big, colorful button. And, as fickle and trivial as this sounds, the brutal truth is that today's users will definitely not make the effort to click a second or third time if they didn't get that click the first time.

Put yourself in the best position to win and add buttons!

Example of third party links

7. No Third-Party Links

This is just common sense – if you're making the effort to drive traffic to your landing page, whether that's spending marketing dollars or pushing it on your social media, why would you then let them go to a totally different webpage that's NOT about what you're trying to promote?

I get the whole "I'm trying to provide value" angle, but there are better ways to provide value AND have it benefit your bottom line than leading them away from your page.

Example of images and video

8. Images and/or Video

Written text is great, but if you can explain it in an image or video, do it!

Users love it. Search engines love it.

It makes information easier to consume and digest.

Did you know that people process images 60,000 times faster than text?

It's simply an easier medium to absorb.

Don't believe me? Consider this:

If given the choice to read the Harry Potter books or watch the movies, what do you think the majority of people will choose?

Example of an image above the fold

9. Above the Fold is Gold!

"Above The Fold" refers to all of the content you first see on your webpage BEFORE scrolling down.

This area should contain AT MINIMUM your headline, subheadline, and a very cool, captivating image or video.

Give your visitor something cool to see when they first hit your landing page.

That's it!

Now that you have this Plan laid out for you, the most important part of this Plan is to implement! Implementation is the key to success in your funnel, in your marketing campaign, and in life.

We can theorize all day, but until you actually implement these tactics, you'll never know if these changes will work for you.

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